What is the Science Behind Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal works by selectively concentrating light energy on the hair follicle, destroying its blood supply and leaving the surrounding skin unchanged. Hair grows in cycles of active and dormant states. When it’s in an active state, the laser targets the dark pigmented hair in the follicle. Hairs in a dormant state are not targeted until they become active again. This growth cycle explains why treatments are provided in intervals of approximately 4-to-8 weeks.

"People with dark hair or pigmented hair make the best candidates."

Laser Hair Removal is not overtly painful. Most patients compare it to being snapped by a rubber band. But the laser shoots a cooling spray before each pulse that protects the skin and provides pain relief.

The risks are minimal: Hyper- and hypo-pigmentation, which is a marking of the skin. This can occur when clients omit information regarding sun exposure, medications and medical conditions. These side effects, while rare, fade away very shortly. Sun exposure and light sensitive medications are the biggest risk factors. If you are on light sensitive antibiotics, you will have to postpone your treatment. We ask you all the pertinent questions when you come for a consultation and before each treatment.

Skip treatments if you plan to expose the treated area to the sun right away. And if you’re headed to a sunny environment for vacation, schedule your treatment at least 14 days beforehand.

To prepare for Laser Hair Removal you should…

Avoid sun exposure prior to and after treatment. Stop all light sensitive medications/antibiotics 14 days prior to treatment. Some medications require a 6-12 month wait. Stop bleaching, waxing, plucking or pulling the hair out of the follicle prior to treatment. Shaving is the only acceptable method of hair removal. Shave and clean the area. The treatment area must be clean, free of deodorants and lotions.

People with dark hair or pigmented hair make the best candidates. White, blond and red hairs are not treatable. In addition, we cannot treat those who are pregnant or who have cancer.


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